Believe it or not, there is a new trend among English riders to clean their ASTM-SEI safety helmets in their dishwashers. That’s right: pretty much any style not covered in velvet has been loaded into the same machine designed to clean dirty plates and silverware. Adherents to this practice claim that their helmets come out looking brand new and smelling as fresh as…well, clean dishes.
Is your dishwasher a safe way to get rid of layers of arena dust and that offensive odor referred to as “smelly head?” The short answer is no. The heat of the water (between 130 and 170 degrees—almost the same as the heat inside the trunk of your car) and forces inside your dishwasher are too intense. While your helmet may look brand new when it comes out of the dishwasher, it may no longer protect your head in the event of a fall.
The best way to preserve your helmet is to protect it from little impacts and extreme temperatures. Store your helmet out of the sun in a tote or carrying bag that allows ventilation so it can dry between uses. To keep it smelling fresh between uses, tuck a fabric softener sheet into your helmet bag.