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The Benefits of Using a Leather Palm Work Glove
Leather is not just for car seats, stylish satchels, and motorcycle jackets. This top-notch material is used for a variety of wearable goods, including work gloves. Many people in many professions will attest to the pluses of these products. While you can protect your hands with other kinds of gloves, leather remains popular. 
With that said, you may want to try out leather palm work gloves instead of just plain leather work gloves. The latter only feature the material on the palm, rather than all over. This variant may be preferable for several reasons, which we will describe in detail within this article. 
Benefits of a Leather Glove 
Before we talk about the perks of a leather palm work glove, we should answer the question that comes first: why leather? After all, one could just as easily find work gloves made from nitrile, polyurethane, latex, and even PVC. 
Any one of those materials can make for a high-quality hand protector. Even so, leather can still shine above them. Here are just three of the numerous benefits to choosing gloves of this type. 
High Tensile Strength 
In case you did not know, leather is made from the tanning of animal hides. Tanners take these skins before they can start to rot, remove the hairs, and bathe them in a variety of chemicals. This process halts the decomposition process in its tracks, and just about everything that made it meat is gone by the end. The soft and fleshy pelt becomes a new, significantly tougher material. 
Perhaps the most immediate benefit to using leather for clothing is that it is harder to tear at all, let alone tear through into your skin. Motorcyclists often deck themselves in leather jackets, pants, and boots for that very reason. They can be similarly useful as PPE. If you work with sharp implements, the high tensile strength of leather gloves may just save your own hide. 
Abrasion and Heat Resistance 
Tensile strength and abrasion resistance seem similar at a glance. Both indicate an ability to protect the hand from painful contact with the surrounding environment. The former refers to how much the material can be stretched before breaking apart. The latter is about how much it can be worn down by friction with tougher surfaces. Leather in general offers excellent abrasion resistance. 
Speaking of resistant qualities, leather — especially 100% authentic leather — is also strong against heat. It does not even catch fire easily. This is no invitation to stick your covered hand into a flame. This is also no promise that you will not feel anything if you place your mitts on an ignited stovetop. We are just saying that if you do so by accident at work, you will have more protection than with other materials. 
Increased Flexibility 
The main takeaway you should have by now is that leather is hardy. Anything that can stave off potential cuts, grinding, and high temperatures is nothing to scoff at. You would be reasonable to assume that all this toughness makes for an inflexible material. This assumption, though, is far from the truth. Leather may not be as easy to bend as the original animal skin, but it is quite springy in its own right. 
Flexibility is essential in a work glove. If your job requires you to wear something over your hands, you should still be able to flex your fingers and grab as needed. You would be able to work better — and safer — if you have more room you have to move. In this sense, at least, leather is ideal. 
Benefits of a Leather Palm 
An old joke asks why airplane manufacturers do not simply make the whole craft out of the same material as the nigh-indestructible black box. The non-joke answer is simple: it would be too heavy to fly. In short, the manufacturer used different materials in the areas where their specific qualities would be most optimal. 
The same concept applies to leather palm work gloves. Now that you have seen three benefits to using leather at all, here are two for using leather specifically on the palms. 
Better Breathability 
The tanning process essentially removes every biological feature of an animal skin. That includes the pores, which allowed the skin to breathe. Such a feature is not necessary for a piece of clothing material. Still, it can get uncomfortable when one’s surroundings are hot. Leather can offer outstanding heat resistance, but that quality may not be enough to prevent it from feeling a little tight and restrictive. 
Some clever designers reserve leather for the palm and use a more breathable material for the rest. The palm, after all, is the area that will see the most action and therefore require the most protection. If the rest of the hand is less susceptible to abrasion and cuts, then there is little need for leather anywhere else. As with the black box example, this is an instance of using the right materials in the most advantageous parts. 
Cooler Hands 
Leather has a way of absorbing and trapping heat. This is hardly a problem in more moderate weather and room-temperature environments. Still, if your work environment is roasting or even just rather warm, your hands might start to feel like they are cooking. This sensation can only add to the discomfort of wearing all-leather gloves in such conditions, especially if you start to sweat. 
Leather palm work gloves experience much greater ventilation, which means heat can escape more easily. With the more breathable material taking up more surface area than the leather, your hands will experience greater airflow throughout the interior. As a result, they will feel cooler and more comfortable. You still have the leather where it counts, but it will only affect you in the right ways. 
Leather Palm Work Gloves at DC Glove and Safety 

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